Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Life lately pretty much sucks. I live pissed off pretty much all the time now. The only time i'm content for the most part is when I'm either at the barn with my friends or just hanging out with the horses. My parents have not helped much with this since I get fussed at all the time. The only time I feel like I belong is when I am at the barn. I don't know where I am trying to go with this but all I know is that I am so tired of all the bullshit in life.

Bye I guess.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yay!!! :)

Today I got new zocks! :) Yes I am happy, i'm obsessed with zocks. It's like my mission in life to buy the loudest pairs i can find :P Often times surprising the people at the barn. But anyway, I am trying to find a new saddle (Plus eventually selling my old one). So i'm hoping to find one in the near future.

But anyway, today after the tack shop, I stopped by the barn to say hi. I showed my mom and cousin around the barn and such. My mom has been to the barn quite a few times but since she doesn't go out there very often she doesn't always remember all of the horses and what they look like. She does remember her favorites (Tripp, Red, Daisy(well most of the time), Bandit.) Others she asks who they are and then she'll remember. Alex, my cousin, had never been to the barn before so obviously I showed her around and had her meet my trainer. After we left I asked Alex what she thought of Linnea and she said, "She really nice....." I looked at her and filled in the silence, "and short." Alex laughed and nodded. Then we left and went to the house, then left again to go to a horse show. Neither of us were showing, we mainly went for the mobile tack stands. I saw a few people I knew and we left shortly after talking to them.

I am soooo ready for my next lesson. Friday seems wayyy too far away. :(

Friday, August 19, 2011

well...this is awk...

Well I started college this week and I kinda never posted last semester...... So sorry! But I have been busy all summer with either helping at the barn, riding lessons, and traveling. But my summer is over and now it's back to the never ending homework. But I am riding in a clinic is about 2ish weeks soooo I should get some pics of that. I will be riding Baby.

But thats pretty much all the info I have for now so I will now post a picture...or two...from horse shows to lessons to being with familyyy

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Well my lesson was canceled this week. It may be rescheduled for next week but I don't know. But for now i'm content playing the old version of Call of Duty. Yes, I do play video games. But since my parents are using the TV right now i'll wait. haha. here are some horsie icons. As you know I love horses with all my heart. But i'm not sure where my riding is going at this point. I want to get a new saddle but I don't know what size to get and I want to sell my old saddle. I'm getting a new hoodie for riding that is personalized with my name on it. I'm excited for that since it is my birthday present.My birthday is less than a month away!! And exams are next week as long as it doesn't snow too much. I only have to take two of them!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's been a while

I haven't gotten on here in forever! Sorry guys. I just have not had the time to get on like I used to. I generally post during the summer or during the breaks from school. But anyway yeah. I'm soo ready for my next lesson. Anyway it's like the same day as my trainer's birthday. So i'm excited for that :) I'm pretty sure my mom is gonna go to the barn with me for that lesson. She wants to go with me when i give Linnea her christmas present. And when i give Maizie (Linnea's dog) and Dooley (The barn owner, Kim's, dog) their presents. But I'd better go or I'll be late for school.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Colder weather

Yesterday I rode in a much colder lesson. It's was dark for one. Luckily we have a lighted arena. I rode with a new girl to the farm. She's nice but other than that I don't know much about her other than that she rides at another barn with my cousin! Anyway.... I rode Red and she rode Jazz. Red was a butthole. He kept speeding up along the long sides of the ring. I kept using half halts and tried to slow down my posting but that wasn't working out so well. So I felt like I was riding HORRIBLY!!!! But Linnea said I was actually riding really well, it's just I kept getting stiff as it went on cause I was getting tired and nervous. Even more so when I got into jump position. She said I was pinching my back. She said we'd work on that. But after the lesson was over, I felt pretty bad. I had to get a hug from her before I left otherwise I probably would still be ready to kick myself for my riding yesterday. Linnea said It (My position) looked excellent , but it may not have felt that way. Oh well. I guess theres always next lesson. But Linnea might say it looked okay I just still don't feel like it was. But she said i've progressed so much in my past few years of riding, and in the past 6 weeks especially. She still remembers when she put me on Toby and I could barely get him to go. And now I'm riding horses that are wayy different from him. The horses i'm riding now are faster than him, and are more intermediate horses than they are beginner horses. Granted I should realize that I am a decent rider if Linnea has me in the advanced lessons but yeah. She said in my next lesson we can work on cantering and jumping since I was somewhat bored in this past lesson. (I get tired of only doing a posting trot and circles.) We only did that little bit cause Linnea didn't know how much Kimberly knew. Oh well i have to backpack for school....disentigrated in the washing machine. :/ I guess I'm going to the store tomorrow.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I realized something.

Last night I went with my friend, Elaine , to go see Secretariat. During the movie I realized that the horse that I ride is just like him. He's a determined being. When he does something right, he knows it and when he does it wrong, he, yet again, knows it. He will try with all his heart to do what I want. Last Thursday I fell off and landed infront of him. He nudged me with his nose and started licking me. I rubbed his nose from the ground. When I got up he thought I was mad at him. I wasn't. I was mad at myself for falling off when I should have stayed on. I got back on, patted him, and went to go over the jump again. We did good. Over the past few years i've learned many things. Most of those things are from what I learned from the trainers i've had and the horses i've ridden
Toby- I learned to trust, love and to KICK!
Clark- I learned to be determined and stubborn
Abigail- I learned that I have choices
Jules- I learned to ride with light hands and to never trust barn dogs near the ring.
Grayson-I learned NOT to kick and to be even LIGHTER with my hands.
Ziggy- I learned to be even MORE stubbborn, determined and to stay away from him.
Count- I learned not to trust.
Red- I started to learn to trust again and to use more leg.
Baby- I learned even more trust and to use EVEN MORE leg.
Tripp- I learrned to hate birds and to kick harder.
Reina- I learned to use less leg.

Linnea- I learned the basics of riding and to trust the horses and people around me.
Jessica- I learned to be stubborn,determined and to not trust people.
Cindy- I learned to be even more leary of people.
Linnea- I'm learning even more about riding and the trust people yet again and building up confidence in riding again and especially to breathe while riding.