Friday, January 2, 2009

Twlight music vid.

Here is a really good music video - Twilight Why do we ride

Book Reviews. (not all horse related)

Ok i've read all of the Twilight Saga.

I recomend Twilight. It is a great book about how a human and vampire meet. If you think that this isn't really your kind of reading then forget what your thinking. I said the same thing. I love it now.

The sequel to Twilight , is New Moon it is not high up on my favorites list. Just because Edward isn't in this much. Other than that its a good book.

Next Comes Eclipse. It is much better than New Moon. It is a little suprising to say the least. Great book

Lastly for today comes Breaking Dawn. This is a really good book. It is the longest of the Twilight Saga. Life twists and turns for Bella, Edward and the rest of the characters in this book. They go throught many troubles ,trying to figure out how to fix them.

Well thats all for the reveiws today. I know it wasn't horse related but many horse loving teens love Twilight also.

Go see the movie "Twilight" if you can!