Friday, May 14, 2010

Long time, no blog...

Yes I do realize that it has been a long time since i have last updated. I've been busy with school,riding, & my awesome friends. School is okay...well sort of. It's getting really hard to juggle everything but i think i'll manage since there are only like 13 more instructional days, 1 day that is CRAZYYYY(yearbook & senior assembly day.Normally this is over 2 days but this year they decided to combine them), and 4 exam days.
Riding....not really much to say except that i'm back to jumping and cantering...
Friends. I shall repeat.They are AWESOME.
I'm just soooo ready for this year to be over. But really as soon as summer starts i really don't get to rest as i have to get senior pictures done, get a job, ride, work on my senior project, etc,etc.
oh well enough of my ranting